Thursday, August 20, 2009

Allyson Acres, How did we get here!

In my opinion it has been an attempt to mislead the Allyson Acres property owners from the beginning. This was done with the filing of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions on Jan. 13, 1977 by Southwest Investment Company. The Allyson Acres property owners did not belong to any home owners association. They bought their property from a land company who owned the subdivision and filed with the government appropriate documents for the 15 subdivisions. They also waived the annual fees for the East and West subdivisions. I know for a fact that there is different billings for property owners in the East and West subdivisions some paying nothing to others paying $24.00 or $120.00 for the same services, nothing. Property owners who knew their property rights and stood up to LSPOA or property owners who had an attorney read their abstracts and write a letter to the LSPOA at the property owners expense, were able to maintain their property rights. The reason the development is in the state that it is in, is because of the illegality of the LSPOA. Property owners should review their Restrictive Covenants and if they do not understand it take it to their attorney for a title opinion. Then have your attorney write a letter threatening them with legal action if they don't stop the illegal billing.