Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update!!!! There is a Roadgrader in LSPOA

Happy Day we have a roadgrader working within Lakemont this is a good thing. Also the Kiddee park that was in Tatum Park (Allyson Acres) was relocated to the POA office at the entrance of LSPOA.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

UPDATE!!!! THE 2010 POA Election

The latest news letter states because of the lack of participation on behalf of potential Board Members there will not be an election of officers. This is in violation of our Governing documents! It may be time to dissolve the Lakemont Shores POA if there is a lack of interest in the governance of the POA.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Trial date August 8th, 2010 Delaware Co. Courthouse Jay, Ok.

To anyone that is interested the next trial date is August 8th 2010. I was under the impression the date was May 5th 2010 and was revised to the new date. Does anyone have any comments on this court date (pretrial hearing)?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Loss Of Ameneties

Update.............to the POA membership you have lost more of your dwindling amenities. If you have not noticed that Tatum park has been demolished. The pool has been filled in the bathrooms shutdown after being repainted and serviced for this years usage! The kiddee park rides were removed. This is not a bad thing this park was built on the GRDA controlled property. This was stupid from the very beginning besides the whole area is subject to flash flooding. Not the best place for children or for camping. The pavillion shelter was taken down and relocated to the clubhouse area. Reader please note all of these amenities were a part of Allyson Acres! Also it has been told by a reliable source the person responsible for relocating the pavillion shelter was a member of the POA board and was paid a 1,000.00 for his efforts. I believe this is a egregious error on the part of the POA board of directors. A flagrant malfeasance of fiduciary duty. If the party doing the removal received a payment by check made out "To Cash" there may be reason to believe that the annual audit, that has not been done for two years, is not being done for concealment purposes. Just saying!!!