Saturday, August 15, 2009

Allyson Acres Subdivisions Fees

In both the property report and CC&r's a fee of $24.00 annually was to be paid to the developer to be used for Beautification and Road upkeep. In the property report it states some of the money may be used for facility upkeep. When Studebaker Land Co. defaulted Southwest Investment Co. assumed ownership and proceeded to raise fees and made the land company a POA! No vote by the Allyson Acres property owners was ever taken. The property rights of the Allyson Acres property owners have been subverted for thirty tw0 years. In lieu of the $24.00 annual fee we are being charged $120.00 anually and $72.00 for standby water availability. That is a total of $192.00 in overcharges per lot annually. If you run the numbers out 192 x 1501 x 32 = $9.2 million in overcharges, that is if all the lots were sold!!!!!!!!! You can see we could own Lakemont if we had a GOOD attorney

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