Sunday, October 18, 2009

Articles of Incorporation of Lakemont Shores POA 2003

In the Articles of Incorporation it states the duties of the Board of Directors. It does not provide for the purchase of tax lots for the POA. In disregard of these provisions the majority of the Board voted that the President purchase lots at the Delaware County tax sale in September 2008. The President bid on and purchased certain lots for the POA and then he denied purchasing them for several months until admitting his culpability. If the reader has access to the Delaware County Land Records and searches on the Subdivisions and lot and block you will find that nine (9) lots were recorded on Nov. 25, 2008. The lots purchased were located in Lakemont Shores POA HeatherValley lots 74,125,322,371 & 472. Allyson Acres subdivisions Grandview B4,L8 Hilltop B6,L9 partial Dogwood B9,L9 Golf B7,L3 partial.


  1. I would need more info on the reason for the purchase. If there is a conflict of interest or just getting lots for resale purpose only, I would say NO! However if they are being purchased for the betterment of the POA such as purchasing lots adjoining common properties or for abatement and cleanup of abandoned buildings on lots, then yes this would fall under the boards scope of duties. However, I would need more info...
